When you eat, but nothing has taste,

When you hear, but never listen,

When you see, but don’t look carefully,

When you touch, but never feel,

When you smell, but cannot recognize the scent.

By Sheila Cohen.

When you don’t know where you stand, but don’t want look back.

When you feel so confused, that you don’t know where to go.

When you fear that you are taking the wrong path, but yet, you don’t know where else to go.

When you try to hold onto something, but you feel like everything is falling apart.

When you don’t know the difference between what you want and what you need in life.

When you don’t know what you want, but you know what you don’t want.

When you see everything in black or white and you finally realize you have been missing an entire spectrum of colors.

When you feel so detached from life, that everything stops mattering.

When you wake up fearing you’re about to die, but you are still alive.

When you think everything couldn’t get worse, but still gets worst.

When you feel as if you are constantly failing, but you don’t realize you are just growing.

When you feel nostalgic of a past that is so far behind, but seems so much better that the present, let alone the future, that you stop living because you are stuck in memorabilia.

When you want to shout out loud, so that everyone feels the pain you have inside, but don’t have anyone around to answer you back.

When you feel so alone in life, that you feel no one will care if you actually die.

When you try so had, but things don’t come out the way you plan.

When you keep pretending to be who you think you are supposed to be, but not what you are truly meant to be.

When you keep doing things that doesn’t fulfill your life, because you don’t know what else to do.

When everything you have been doing up until now stops having sense.

When the life you have, has nothing to do with what you had in mind when you were little.

When you don’t feel proud of your professional achievements, because they don’t have nothing to to with your dreams.

When you don’t know the difference between your desires and your needs.

When you feel so vulnerable, that you are about to breakdown and burst into tears.

When you feel so numb, that nothing hurts you anymore.

When life couldn’t be more perfect, and the next moment, everything goes away.

When you feel so anguished by the uncertainty of the future, that you stop living in the present moment.

When you feel paralyzed by the fear that has been consuming your last bit of energy left in your system to the point of burnout.

When you live between a state of nostalgia of the past and the anxiety of an uncertain future that you forget about the present.

When you compare yourself to others, because someone once told you, that life was a competition, when it really it’s just an instant that flashes by in a blink of an eye.

When you fell so empty, that nothing fills your heart.

When you feel so insecure of your own decisions, that you let others make them for you.

When you do things you don’t want to just to please others.

When you become someone else, just to fit into the mold that society had build for people like you.

When you keep escaping from your responsibilities because of your fear of commitment.

When you love someone but you don’t dare to tell them because your fear of rejection.

When you keep searching for love, but there is nowhere to be found.

When you create because you fear oblivion.

When you avoid the truth, even though you’re aware that it’s in front of your face.

When you fill your existential void with material things, even though, deep down, you know they will only make you feel emptier than before.

When you search for approval outside, but you know that can only be found inside.

When you keep searching the meaning of life that you forget how to live.

When you keep falling down, but don’t know how to get up.

When you keep questioning life, but no one answers you back.

When you try to understand life instead of just enjoying it.

When you realized you have been living your whole life in an automatic pilot, but you don’t know how to stop.

When you keep trying to reach others, but you are always left behind.

When you are far behind, but you are tired of chasing others lives.

When you finally let go of things in life and suddenly everything comes back into place.

When you keep giving, but never gets back.

When you keep bumping into the same obstacles, but you never give up.

When a series of unfortunate events happen in your life, and even though you feel as if you are about to fall into pieces, for some reason, you find the strength inside to deal with it.

When you wake up bombarded by a strike of negative thoughts that flashes through your mind, but you cannot fight them back.

When you take life for granted and have to loose something or someone in order to be grateful of your existence.

When you feel lost and you look into the stars to find your way back.